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Surgical Scissors



TUTOPATCH® is used as replacement or re-strengthening of connective tissues or in many disciplines including:

(These indications are not a complete list of possible therapeutic uses for TUTOPATCH®):

  • Urology: Penis Enlargement Surgery, Peyronie's, Strengthening of sutures in case of ruptured kidneys, patch repair after renal pole resection, tunica albuginea replacement

  • Neurosurgery: Duraplasty, dural extension, dural replacement

  • ENT: Tympanoplasty, duraplasty (fronto-temporal bone), dura preservation in case of bone damage in air-filled sinuses, closure of the sinus entrance in frontal sinus damage, sling procedures in facial nerve paralysis, protection of deep structures after radical dissection of the neck, re-strengthening of tracheal sutures, damage after paratidectomy filling.

  • Oromaxillofacial surgery: Orbital floor repair, facial maxillary sinus wall closure, protection of Schneider membrane in sinus floor augmentation, membrane for GTR and GBR.

  • Ophthalmology: Closure of scleral strands, scleroplasty

  • Thoracic and cardiovascular surgery: Pericardium replacement, chest wall replacement, strengthening of sutures and esophageal sutures in case of lung resection, closure of retroperitoneum, closure of vascular grafts

  • Abdominal Surgery: More secure closure of the abdomen in hernia surgeries (avoid abdominal wall replacement), hiatus hernia

  • Gynecology: Sling procedures for stress incontinence, sacrocolpopexy for vaginal prolapse

  • Orthopedics: Resection-interposition arthroplasty

  • Trauma Surgery: Strengthening primary ligament and tendon sutures

  • Plastic Surgery: Filling of subcutaneous defects, wrinkle filling


• TUTOPATCH® is a collagen membrane extracted from solvent-preserved bovine pericardium sterilized by gamma irradiation.
• TUTOPATCH® primarily provides reliable closure of tissue damage and acts as a scaffold in the cellular repair mechanism, filling the scaffold with the body's own natural tissue.

Features & Benefits

• Sterile according to DIN EN 556-1,
• Safety reaching SAL (Sterility Assurance Level) 10-6
• Confirmed viral inactivation
• Biocompatible
• Fully formable
• Available in various sizes

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